Why Oh Why Can't We Have A Better Press Corps?

Heather posted on George Will's mumbo jumbo hackery with Paul Krugman on ABC's THIS WEEK already, and after Brad DeLong watched the horror unfold he

Heather posted on George Will's mumbo jumbo hackery with Paul Krugman on ABC's THIS WEEK already, and after Brad DeLong watched the horror unfold he asks the question that we've all been asking for way too long.

Why Oh Why Can't We Have a Better Press Corps?

I think what it comes down to is that there just aren't any conservative pundits out there who can argue in the reality-based world. So we get either George Will's hackery or Peggy Noonan's overwrought gobbledygook-soap star-punditry method. Which is not to be confused with Lee Strasberg's 'Method acting'. And Cokie at times is the worst offender of them all.

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