WI's Judge Prosser Goes On Fox Begging For Votes And Blames Fellow Justice For Making Him Call Her A 'Bitch'

Greta Van Susteren last night painted the Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge election today as being "twisted" because of the reaction the state has had to Gov. Scott Walker's outrageous agenda. In her slanted version of the the election she

Sarah Palin, has been tweeting up a ton of support for the reelection of Prosser?

Well, Republicans are always the victims on Fox. A one-sided slant as usual. Tea Party groups are also spending a ton of money supporting him.

Four conservative groups, including the Tea Party Express, have combined to spend $1.2 million so far on pro-Prosser ads, according to a media-tracking group.
One conservative group, the California-based Tea Party Express, is aiming to spend up to $200,000 on an ad that paints Kloppenburg as unqualified for a judgeship and a puppet of union bosses.

JoAnne Kloppenburg declined to go on the show, but let's face it. Greta knew that she would decline to do an interview with a network that is hostile to her and that Prosser would jump at the chance of getting his free ad space from Fox in hopes of ginning up more support for himself from the Tea Party crowd and throw as much dirt at JoAnne as possible.

I think it's inappropriate and unethical for Fox News to have candidates for public office on the night before an election, because it's a clear attempt to manipulate the election results. Prosser gets to throw bricks at Kloppenburg for free -- including defending himself on accusations that he failed to prosecute a child-abusing priest. The judge says that he was very sensitive to the family over the abuse, but thought the evidence was ambiguous and the two young boys didn't have the credibility to stand up to a well-established priest. What did he do? He got the priest banished from the area and asked to get him treatment because he never suspected him to be a serial abuser because, get this, back then nobody knew about those things? Huh? Two boys... How many boys have to be abused before they would get prosecuted by Prosser?

Greta brought up the dirty story of Prosser calling the Chief Justice of the Wisconsin court a "bitch' and threatening to "destroy her". Watch how she phrases the events. Calling the Chief Justice a bitch is not as bad as having somebody snitch on you. ya know. It was all a TRAP to ensnare him! Right.

VAN SUSTEREN: Justice Ann Walsh Bradley confirming that a fit of temper that you had by calling her a bitch and wanting to destroy her sent it not just to you, but to others and then she later released it to the newspaper. What in the world is going on in the WI Supreme Court that you're saying that kind of stuff to each other and snitching on each other and giving emails out and disclosing the private conversations of the State Supreme Court? What is going on?

PROSSER: Wow, there's a lot to try and untangle there. We're talking about an incident that occurred more than a year ago...( See, there's a statute of limitation on threatening and calling a female judge a bitch.) We're talking about multiple controversies that came to a head at the same time. It was an explosive situation. I said something I should not have said and that I regret and I apologize for, on the other hand (she really was a bitch and I did need to destroy her) I want people to know that I simply didn't go into it, a private conversation and suddenly pop out with this ill advised statement without any provocation.....

VAN SUSTEREN: At that point I think they were trying to trap you. I mean I'm not trying to defend you calling a Supreme Court Justice a bitch, but the fact that they memorialized it meant they were setting the trap on you on that one.

PROSSER: They were not only setting the trap, they were massaging the record, changing the record. I have to say it wasn't good behavior on my part, but, [sigh] this was not all my fault. There was some provocation here.

Yeah, just like a mouse looking for some cheese. OK, Greta ruled the nasty name-calling a trap in the first place, and he says Justice Abrahamson deserved it. Good job, Fox News. Greta has figured it all out. She never did get to the part where he said he wanted to destroy her. Does that have a statute of limitations too if he said it way back in 2010?

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