Wisconsin HS Student Schools Greta Over Walker's Radical Assault On Unions And Even Proposes Raising Taxes On The Rich

Middleton High school student Jacob Fiskel joins in the protests and explains to Greta van Susteren why it's important that teachers and public workers do what they have to, even if they stay at home if they don't want to lose their right to

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Middleton High school student Jacob Fiskel joins in the protests and explains to Greta van Susteren why it's important that teachers and public workers do what they have to, even if they stay at home if they don't want to lose their right to collective bargaining because of Gov. Walker's outrageous proposal to try and destroy unions. He's gone as far as reading the National Guard against them. I found it interesting that when Greta asked Jacob what the state should do to fix the budget problem, Jacob called out the rich. Now that's shared sacrifice.

Greta: In terms of your state, do you have some suggestions on how to deal with your budget crisis?

Fiskel; Yes I do. I think we should really consider raising taxes on the rich. I know the argument is that it's going to hurt small businesses, but with this plan you're taking spending money away from teachers and public workers and small businesses are going to lose millions of dollars. But if we can raises taxes on the rich we can afford it and we can start to pay for our budget problems. Earlier Gov. Walker has already cut a hundred million dollars of corporate taxes and that's one of the reasons why we're in this mess.

Greta: What do you think is going to happen with those Senators in Illinois? DO you think they should stay in Il. or come back to Madison to vote on this?

Fiskel: I think they should do whatever is necessary for them to be able to talk with Gov. Walker and the Republicans to make sure that our demands are met and to make sure that the public workers of Wisconsin get the respect that they deserve?

Greta was not aggressive with Jacob and let him speak his mind. He even said that the actions Walker is taking would affect the quality of teachers and education on the whole state. Doesn't Jacob make much more sense than let's say, Rep. Paul Ryan?

We didn't hear FOX or the traditional media complain about the August Town Hall Tea Party protests when the debate in the country was how we could fix the astronomical rising costs of health care, but they refused to participate except to disrupt any attempt made to help this country. Now, public workers aren't walking away from a negotiation per se, but are fighting for the right to be able to collectively bargain and negotiate. Scott Walker's maddness is rooted in the decades old hatred of unions by Barry Goldwater and his followers so it's ideology over the American workers.

Good for you Jacob. You win a note book full of gold stars. American workers have found a voice

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