WSJ's Jason Riley: Edward Snowden Isn't A Real Whistle-Blower
The Wall Street Journal's Riley called Edward Snowden a dangerous man, not a real whistle blower and should prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
The smear campaign is in high gear against NSA whistle-blower Edward Snowden and it's coming from all sides of the spectrum. Jeffrey Toobin is on a one man show to discredit him with his appearances on CNN and his piece in the New Yorker entitled: Edward Snowden Is No Hero. He's trying to make the case that Snowden had other avenues to express his displeasure with the system which is pretty preposterous. I've liked some of Toobin's work a lot over the years, but this take is just very naive on his part.
David Brooks writes another pompous article which superimposes his own problems with society onto Snowden so he can psychoanalyze him for his rubes.
Sen. Feinstein brings terror into the mix.
On FOX News with Bret Baier, his All-Star panel kept up the crazy talk with wingnuts like Charles Krauthammer and Jason Riley of the WSJ. Charles makes the case that the police do bad things all the time too, but we still need them, However, Jason Riley went off the deep end with his commentary.
Kudos to Bret Baier, who did a very good job pointing out the issues to Riley, who couldn't care less.
Riley: Until we see an abuse of the information I'm not particularly concerned. (So he wants to take care of the problem after it erupts.)
Baier: ...but Jason, how would we even know? We didn't even know about the program until this guy leaked it.
Riley: How would we know if they're abuses?
Baier: Abuse, yea.
Riley: Well, I guess a whistle blower would come forward and that would be a true whistle blower who pinpointed out such abuses but again this...
Baier: You don't see him as a whistle blower?
Riley: No, not in that sense at all. I see this as a very dangerous man that I hope will be prosecuted, found and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
Krauthammer: Until the program has been around for about a decade and we do not have a single case of anybody saying 'my email was abused , but do you think after a decade if there were abuse you wouldn't have had a lawsuit, somebody who would go to the p. Until you show me a single case of course there's a potential for for abuse, but show me abuse and I'll get very worried about it
Charles, how would anyone know anything or any abuse was going on since we had no idea they were collecting billions of records a day? And because of Edward Snowden we now know what the government is doing. Even Glenn Greenwald is fine about it if America decides this is in our best interests to do, but the idea that they are doing it on the sneak is the BIG problem.
Jason Riley is a clown. he doesn't consider Snowden a whistle blower yet believes that if anyone at the government level abuses the NSA system then magically a new whistle blower will pop up to end the abuse. What a sap. And exactly why is Snowden a dangerous man? Because he's blowing the whistle on a secret government monitoring program and these yokels are defending those responsible like sheep.
And so the smear campaign continues. Soon he won't be a US citizen, but a communist, Chinese spy.