537 Votes Changed History

537 Votes Changed History

I don't usually put up campaign ads, but this one is particularly effective not only as a reminder, but as a motivator.

Republicans are doing everything they possibly can to discourage voting. From making registration more difficult to "accidentally" printing the wrong election date on ballots mailed to Latinos to limiting early voting hours on the weekend before the election, they have decided that if they can't win it straight up, they'll put as many barriers in our way as possible.

537 votes. That's all that stood between Bush and Gore. It came down to 537 votes. That's too close. Way too close.

The past is the past. But the only way to overcome all of the roadblocks is to step up and cast a vote in overwhelming numbers. Even if you think they're jacking with voting machines or there's something hinky with Tagg Romney's ownership percentage in Hart Intercivic, it can only be overcome by voting in huge numbers. They can't jack everything no matter how hard they try, but it means getting out and voting.

So far, that's happening. The early voting is overwhelmingly going in favor of Democrats, particularly in swing states. OFA director Jeremy Bird sent out a memo earlier today with some early numbers:

Non-Midterm Voters: Across nine battleground states, Democrats have a 19.7 point advantage in ballots cast among non-midterm voters. More than half (51.5 percent) of non-midterm voters who have voted already are Democrats, while fewer than a third (just 31.8 percent) are Republicans.

For example, in North Carolina, 51.5 percent of those who have already voted are Democrats, compared with just 25.1 percent who are Republicans. That’s a major advantage. And among these non-midterm voters who have voted in North Carolina so far, 87 percent of them are youth (under 35), African-American, Latino or new registrants (registered after the 2008 election).

All Voters: Among all voters, Democrats have a 10.7 point advantage over Republicans. Just under half (49.6 percent) of voters who have cast ballots are Democrats, while just 38.9 percent are Republicans. In the only two states--Colorado and Florida--where Republicans lead right now in total ballots cast, Democrats are cutting into traditional Republican leads there; we’re doing better today than at this point in 2008. And once in-person early voting is included (it just started in Colorado on Monday and starts in Florida this weekend), Democrats will take the lead.

The numbers are there. My worst nightmare is having Hans Von Spakovsky out there challenging voters in the swing states to try and hand an election that shouldn't even be close over to Mitt Romney.

Everyone in our household voted by absentee ballot last week. We're going to be spending Election Day and the time leading up to it getting out the vote, phone banking and doing whatever else is necessary to make sure there are no Republican challenges to this election that land in the Supreme Court.

I hope you're doing the same.

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