ABC Launches Rick Perry's Comeback Tour

Rick Perry's makeover, courtesy of ABC and George Stephanopoulis.

Did Rick Perry say anything of consequence on ABC's This Week With George Stephanopoulos?

No, not especially, but that wasn't the point. The point of Governor GoodHair's interview was to launch his 2016 bid for the Republican nomination right now. Today.

The humorous treatment of his infamous forgettable moment, the new "serious" look with the trendy glasses, and most of all, the softball whiffleball interview he got from Jeff Zeleny all signal the start of Perry 2016.

That's not news. Anyone with half a brain knew Perry would make another play for the nomination, especially in light of the foundation being laid by our mainstream media that the Republican nominee will be running against "Washington" and will therefore be a governor.

You might think that any interview of Governor Perry might include a couple of hard questions, like why he is so insistent on hurting his female constituents, or why heblocked the Medicaid expansion in a state with so many people who need it so desperately. You might think they'd ask that question alongside the one they asked about Obama apologizing.

But no. The Village doesn't want to bring up how terrible a candidate Rick Perry would be. And it's not just Rick Perry. It's their current love affair with Chris Christie, and their burning desire to start the campaign for 2016 in 2013. And Ted Cruz. And Rand Paul. Can you name any potential Democratic candidate for 2016 that gets the same kind of fluffing?

These guys don't live in the same world we do. In their world, health care is a concept, not a need. In their world, poor people are abstract, not reality. And most especially, in their world, candidates are nothing more than the latest public relations campaign shoved under their editors' noses.

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