Ann Coulter Melts Down On Hannity's Show Over RomneyCare

Ann Coulter is angry. She's so angry even Sean Hannity is ducking for cover. She's so angry she doesn't care who knows she's angry, he doesn't care how loud she gets, and she doesn't care that she looks like a shrieking harpy in this segment,

completely flummoxed as Rush Limbaugh was, nothing compares to Ann Coulter in high dudgeon.

Andrea Saul really didn't do anything wrong. She said that if that fired steelworker in Obama's ad had lived in Massachusetts, his wife would have had health care. What is the matter with these insane conservatives and their irrational need to deny anyone health care?

As I mentioned when Rush did it, it's ridiculous for Romney to run away from his signature accomplishment while governor while he's running in a general election. The Coulters and Limbaughs and Hannitys are being absurd with this, because they actually believe in some deluded, insane world where they can win a general election by being wingnuts.

Beyond the obvious source of her aggravation, though, there were some other pretty weird and revealing statements. Remember that Fox calls itself a "news network." Yet listen to Coulter rant at Hannity about how Andrea Saul's statement negates everything "she does, everything he does" to get Mittens elected.

[cue sarcasm]
Oh really? Their job is to get Romney elected? What about the news? What about that whole "fair and balanced" thing? No, no, listen to Coulter as she goes off about donors and how hard "they" are ALL working to get Romney elected only so Andrea Saul can ruin it all by bringing up Romneycare! [/end sarcasm]

It's shameless and bizarre, and delicious. Especially delicious to see Ann beside herself with all the fury of a harpy spurned...despite the fact that she called the election back in 2010 when she said they'd lose with Mitt instead of Chris Christie.

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