AP: Obama Administration Responded To Oil Spill Aggressively And Promptly

The AP has released a timeline of the government's response to the BP Oil Spill which clearly shows early and aggressive involvement on the part of th

The AP has released a timeline of the government's response to the BP Oil Spill which clearly shows early and aggressive involvement on the part of the administration.

The AP review found that the administration — aware of the political scars left on the Bush White House over Katrina — moved early with rescue efforts. Also, the government knew within days that though no leak had been found, the potential for environmental harm existed.

From day to day, as the situation evolved from devastating fire and dramatic rescue to a possible environmental hazard, the response activities changed, too, according to documents and interviews. Read the rest...

Although the shameless Hannitys and Pences of the world might think an environmental disaster like this is cause for political pot shots, facts show that this administration's behavior was responsive, engaged, and on the scene within hours. It's also clear there was concern for lost lives, shifting safety issues, and the environment right from the start.

I would give anything to have a similar report about the government's response to the levee breaks after Hurricane Katrina. There is no joy, no political gain to be had by pointing out a failure so massive over 1600 lives were needlessly lost. If only government had responded promptly, with regard for human life. Those 1600 might still be with us today.

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