Bill Clinton Makes Fun Of Rick Perry's Anti-Washington Sentiment

Bill Clinton's comments about Rick Perry yesterday were classic. Via TalkingPointsMemo: The former president elaborated: "And he's saying 'Oh, I'm going to Washington to make sure that the federal government stays as far away from you as

Bill Clinton's comments about Rick Perry yesterday were classic.

Via TalkingPointsMemo:

The former president elaborated: "And he's saying 'Oh, I'm going to Washington to make sure that the federal government stays as far away from you as possible -- while I ride on Air Force One and that Marine One helicopter and go to Camp David and travel around the world and have a good time.' I mean, this is crazy."

Bill Clinton seems to underestimate our nation's capacity for crazy, I think.

I watched this right before hearing The Five on Fox News extol Perry's virtues as religious (but not too religious) and a "job creator."

minimum wage, no-benefit jobs.

And just out of curiosity, how does this sudden swoon for Perry's claim to be Governor Jobs square with the TeaPublican claim that "government doesn't create jobs." Can he have it both ways? Well, IOKIYAR (It's okay if you're a republican), right?

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