Birtherism Laid Bare As Blazing Racism

We all know this, right? We all know the birther goal is to delegitimize this country's first African-American President. It's just code for racist and even supremacist attitudes. Some things just shouldn't be articulated and this is one of

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We all know this, right? We all know the birther goal is to delegitimize this country's first African-American President. It's just code for racist and even supremacist attitudes. Some things just shouldn't be articulated and this is one of them. When we're at a place in our discourse where we're chortling over the elected President of our country possibly being banned from one of the states he is governing, we have a serious problem.

Think Progress:

Today, a right-wing organization called Judicial Watch hosted a panel discussion on the “current and upcoming fights over immigration enforcement” featuring Arizona state Sen. Russell Pearce (R). Pearce, the author of Arizona’s controversial immigration law, railed against the Obama administration for “siding with a foreign government” against the state of Arizona. However, looking on the bright side, Pearce joked that Obama may not want to come to Arizona as they will require him to show his papers:

A little levity is okay, I hope cause I like to [inaudible] at most things. But I can tell you that the best thing about [SB]-1070 is that Obama may not be visiting Arizona because we actually require papers now.

Here's another gem, this one aimed at Grijalva:

During the panel discussion, Pearce also suggested that Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) should run for “presidente” of Mexico.

When does free speech become seditious? Inquiring minds want to know.

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