Challenge To Sarah Palin: Produce YOUR Academic Papers

Dear Sarah Palin, You are an ass. A moose's ass. You just opened the lid on Pandora's Box -- a lid you can't slam shut easily, and now I'm gonna call you on it. Now that you've been completely hosed and defeated over the Birther issue that

four universities in six years, before finally managing to eke out a degree from the University of Idaho in journalism. Over that fine university career, did you write anything? If so, would you be kind enough to produce it?

And let's say you can't really produce any documents you wrote when you were in college. Let's talk about the tens of thousands you've spent on 'advisors' to assist you with your knowledge of foreign affairs, your messaging, and your strategies. Let's see.

There's the right-wing journalist Joshua Livestro, who you pay $4,000/month. What does he add to your thinking, your views? Is his background your background?

How about Orion Strategies, who you pay $10,000 per month for "issue consulting"? What, exactly, does Randy Scheunemann contribute to your thinking for that 120K per year salary?

Then there's the matter of the $10,000 per month retainer your PAC pays North Star Strategies to ghostwrite your Facebook posts? Certainly you wouldn't have a Bill Ayers of your own would you?

You know, for the $59,500 per month you shell out to consultants like those I've named, you must be getting a hell of an education. That's pricier than Harvard, and you didn't even have to avail yourself of affirmative action to get in on the action. Plus, it's all paid for by taxpayers!!! Wow, Sarah, that's a real deal.

So what the heck is the matter with me asking you, Sarah Palin, to satisfy my ordinary-person curiosity about what you're learning from all these highly-compensated consultants? How do these people shape your views?

Also, what the heck is wrong with asking a few questions about your husband and his secessionist ways? After all, you can't really live with a man for over 20 years and not pick up a few of his attitudes, right? Kind of what you think about Reverend Wright and Bill Ayers? And if, by osmosis, you've picked up a few of your hubby's radical right-wing anti-American secessionist thought patterns, don't I, as an ordinary curious citizen, have a right to know?

Anxiously awaiting your reply,


Note: Dave N. has some notable insights into Palin's academic background:

A word about Sarah Palin's journalism degree: She and I graduated from the same school, the University of Idaho. (She arrived at the school a year after I graduated.) The difference is that when I attended there, I was highly active in the communications community, and was editor of the school paper for a year. Sarah Palin, in contrast, never even wrote a story for the Argonaut, let alone for the J school's other chief outlet, the UI News Bureau; no one at the school's TV station remembers her or has any record of her doing work there. Indeed, the professor who signed her degree barely remembers her, as she was one of those students who simply showed up for class, got a grade, and went home.

Given that kind of background, Palin was lucky to even get a shot at sports reporting for a small Alaska TV station, which was the extent of her actual experience as a journalist.

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