Cheney: Iran Deal Stinks Because Of Obamacare Rollout

Dick Cheney justifying his opposition to any deal with Iran is expected. Blaming Obamacare? That's a new twist.

Nothing is too petty or too large to blame the Affordable Care Act. Of course, it's not really the ACA as much as it is the concerted campaign underway to make President Obama out to be an untrustworthy traitor who wants to subvert the nation in the name of Islam. Or something.


Vice President Cheney said on Monday that the deal the U.S. and its international partners reached with Iran last month over its nuclear program is suspect because of some of the Obama administration’s initial missteps in implementing the president’s new health care law.

“I don’t think that Barack Obama believes that the U.S. is an exceptional nation,” Cheney complained on Fox and Friends. “Nobody cares much in the Middle East anymore what the U.S. thinks because we don’t keep our commitments.”

Oh, my goodness! If only we could have applied that same standard to the Bush-Cheney machine that barreled through the Middle East. Let's poll to see who they hate more: Barack Obama or Richard Cheney. I'm pretty sure I know what the result will be, don't you?

As long as we're on the subject of trustworthiness, can we discuss those WMDs in Iraq? Hmmmm?

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