CNN Host: Republicans Are Destroying Their Brand
CNN Host Don Lemon believes Republicans are destroying their brand with crazy remarks like this.
Don Lemon had Hilary Rosen and Los Angeles conservative radio host Larry Elder on his show today to discuss Fox News commentator's remarks about the Affordable Care Act. Carson claims Obamacare is the worst thing to happen to the country since slavery, because somehow giving people the opportunity to access affordable health care is really just a control move for the government to come and yank out our livers and eat them. Or something.
Larry Elder spent the balance of the segment spewing right wing talking points which are mostly lies or distortions of reality and finally Lemon intervened. Evidently he had had enough.
After hushing his bickering guests, Lemon admonished Elder. "I don't understand why you guys can't see this. You are ruining your brand." Rosen then jumped in with a quick summary, saying "they want to die on the hill to prevent people from getting health insurance."
Elder, of course, wasn't having any of it. But Lemon is right. They are destroying their brand, and if they think the fact that they shut down the government to stop people with pre-existing conditions from getting affordable health insurance will simply die away, they're dead wrong.
Watch the clip of Ben Carson making his declaration about Obamacare and slavery:
This rhetoric only plays to the shrinking group of old white bigots. Everyone else just wonders what the heck Carson smoked over at the Fox News set before he rolled over to the Values Voters Summit.