GOP Congress Hacks De-funding ACORN -- As If It Still Exists

Republican representatives need literacy tests before they try to tackle something as serious as the federal budget. Maybe history lessons, too.

[start at about 7 minutes in for the segment on ACORN]

Oh, those silly conservative congresscritters. Did someone forget to tell them they killed ACORN years ago, or is it just a stupid obsession with beating dead horses?

Huffington Post:

A new short-term budget bill introduced on Monday by House Republicans includes a bizarre provision banning federal funding to anti-poverty group ACORN, despite the fact that the group has already been stripped of federal funding -- and has been defunct for nearly three years.

ACORN leaders announced that the group was disbanding in March 2010, after Congress cut off all federal funding to the organization. The provision in the current GOP budget bill [PDF], buried on page 221 of 269, would duplicate legislation that has already passed, to target an organization that does not exist.

Are there any impeachment provisions for stupidity?

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