Koch Head Conservative Filmmaker Hands Out Bongs At #OWS

Be sure to watch this video through to at least four minutes if you can't bear to watch the entire six minutes of conservative punks being punks. Just before the four-minute mark, conservative blogger Evan Coyne Maloney admits that he's giving

[Warning: NSFW language]

Be sure to watch this video through to at least four minutes if you can't bear to watch the entire six minutes of conservative punks being punks. Just before the four-minute mark, conservative blogger Evan Coyne Maloney admits that he's giving away bongs and Che Guevara rolling papers to Occupy Wall Street protesters in the hope that he'll get some negative video to market to Fox News or CNN.

He's also got some camera-ready gotcha questions on hand for anyone who might want to engage him, too.

It appears as though Maloney is trying to position himself as the "Michael Moore of the Right", Maloney directed IndoctrinateU, a conservative film claiming that "political correctness" on campuses suppresses freedom of religion and speech. That film is being heavily marketed right now by the Moving Picture Institute, a right-wing propaganda arm funded by the DeVos, Koch, and Bradley Foundations, among others. MPI has received very large donations via Donors Trust, the donor-managed fund created to allow anonymity while funding right-wing causes.

The Koch-funded Cato Institute is also promoting screenings of IndoctrinateU, complete with a screening kit (PDF)! The kit comes with DVD, free t-shirts, press releases, and other materials promoting Maloney and The Cause.

It's ironic to me to watch someone claim to be standing for constitutional rights and liberty, a la Cato/Koch and yet sneer at the people out protesting, exercising their right of assembly and speech. Maloney is predictably conservative: ready to defend the rights of conservatives, and everyone else be damned. Oh, and if he can set them up to look like perennially-high, dope-smoking hippies? Even better.

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