Crazy Things Conservatives Say

Today's daily dose of wingnuttery was so rich I hardly know where to begin, so I'll just dive in. We begin with Pat Robertson, who is very, very worried about President Obama's visit to Indonesia. Via Right Wing Watch: Robertson: You know

Today's daily dose of wingnuttery was so rich I hardly know where to begin, so I'll just dive in. We begin with Pat Robertson, who is very, very worried about President Obama's visit to Indonesia.

Via Right Wing Watch:

Robertson: You know Lee the thing that somehow concerns me, they say he’s going back to the place that he spent his childhood, he spent four years in Indonesia, I don’t know if he was trained in a madrassa, one of those Muslim schools, but nevertheless that is his inclination. His father was a Kenyan socialist and he talks about the roots of his father. So he’s got an African and an Indonesian background. I don’t know what his mother was doing; she just sort of flitted around. But nevertheless, this may give him a warped perspective of what needs to be done to make America the greatest nation on earth.

Yes, of course. The President is going back to the country where he spent a few childhood years. Funny how Robertson never thinks about whether those childhood years were as great as he thinks they were, because you know, every 9-year old looks back with fondness on local children pelting him with rocks for being a black guy, after all.

Pat Robertson, king of the smarmy insinuation, pandering to the Christian loyalists waiting to lap it all up.

Then we have Rick Perry sounding the dog whistle for the faithful with this, via TalkingPointsMemo:

Rick Perry says President Obama, the son of a teen mother who frequently was absent from his life and often was stretched financially, grew up the easy way. It’s the latest in a series of winks at conspiracy-minded conservatives deeply suspicious about the president’s background.

Perry’s comments came as he discussed his new ad attacking Obama for saying US policymakers have grown “lazy” about honing America’s competitive edge, a comment that Republicans have inaccurately suggested was aimed at American workers. Asked by FOX News host Sean Hannity about the spot, Perry launched into a highly personal attack on Obama.

“It reveals to me that he grew up in a privileged way,” he said. “He never had to really work for anything.”

He added that “we need a president who has been through their ups and downs in life, and understands what it’s like to have to deal with the issues in our economy that we have today in America.”

Why that dirty, lowdown, food-stamp sucking President! Rick Perry's going to set the record straight about him, because you know, those poor folks just don't ever work for anything. They just wait for the government to hand it to them, right?

Finally, we have Andrew Breitbart's Big Hollywood editor-in-chief, John Nolte spewing a series of tweets hoping for violence against OWS protesters.

Via LGF:

When I’m king, for every hippie scalp we’ll give you an ice cream cone.


Not going to wait 2B King. Send me your hippie scalps today & I’ll send you a gift certificate 4 a pint of Ben & Jerry’s Hippie Blood Mocha.


When the dog bites. When the bee stings. When I’m feeling sad. I simply remember bloodied #OWS hippies … And then I don’t feel sooo bad.


Girls in white dresses with blue satin sashes. Dirty, filthy hippies arrested with bruises and gashes…


Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens. Batons hitting hippies as they fall into their own shittins’…


When the dog barks. When the bee stings. When a hippie skull cracks…


*sniff* *sniff* There’s just something about a police baton swung towards the skull of #OWS that *sniff* chokes a man up. #ItsSoBeautiful


Hard to watch #OWS #OccupyWallStreet hippies get what they deserve while tender tears of joy cloud the eyes.


Dirty, filthy #OWS hippies getting what they deserve from cops = MY PORN


POP THE POPCORN! Dirty, filthy #Occupy hippes getting what they deserve from police — LIVE!

All part of the desensitization, reprogramming process, folks. Keep repeating the same lies until they're fact. Make ordinary people who disagree with you into dirty hippie demons who threaten your very existence. Turn everything up a few notches, suggest that the poor are as dirty and scummy as those hippies, and hey, pretty soon people end up with that impression even if they don't truly believe it.

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