Cue Fauxtrage! Obama Said 'Revenge'!
Cue Fauxtrage! Obama Said 'Revenge'!
Oh noes!!!!! Barack Obama told a room full of ordinary people last night that "voting is the best revenge" and today Mittens and his Brigade of Stupid are out in force pimping it on every cable station (including their 24/7 campaign constituent Fox) as that mean scary President doing mean scary things.
Some people need to grow the eff up, and I mean YOU, Mark Halperin. Yes, today on a conference call about the state of the race, Mark Halperin actually asked the campaign "what revenge the president was referring to."
Evidently a guy who supposedly writes and talks for a living can't parse a simple sentence, or sequence of sentences. Here's what the president said, specifically, via TPM:
The new line of attack stems from an Obama rally in Springfield, Ohio on Friday in which he briefly interrupted his speech after the audience booed House Republicans and Romney.
“No, no, no — don’t boo, vote,” Obama said. “Vote. Voting is the best revenge.”
Now if you've been watching any of the Obama rallies, you're familiar with the "don't boo, vote" line. He uses it at every rally when he's describing Romney's actions with regard to the auto industry. It's a stock line and he's used it a zillion times. Obama says "Romney wanted the auto industry to go bankrupt." The audience boos. Obama tells them to vote.
This time he added "voting is the best revenge" to the mix.
PROTIP for Mark Halperin: It would be revenge for a policy that would have put all of those workers in the auto industry or related to the auto industry out of work.
DUH. Were you really that stupid or just doing your impression of a Fox News reporter, Mark?
Romney has seized upon it to "other" President Obama. See the ad at the top? The Romney campaign cut that ad within hours of Obama's remark, juxtaposing it with Romney's "vote for love of country."
As if Romney loves anything more than his fat Caymans IRA. Please.