Dear Rep. Joe Walsh, Former Deadbeat Dad: STFU

It's time for Joe Walsh to quit talking. Every time he does he proves himself to be a pig.


Not only can he STFU, he can f@ck off, too. I'd have used it in my title but Jon Perr already used it. I can't think of anything more obscene than a failed teabagger riffing on Martin Luther King's speech with obvious racist overtones and complete tone-deafness when it comes to his message.

Remember now, this is the dude who skipped out on child support while he was in Congress and negotiated some sort of settlement later. Here's what this jerk wrote, via Mother Jones:

I have a dream that all black parents will have the right to choose where their kids attend school.

I have a dream that all black boys and girls will grow up with a father.

I have a dream that young black men will stop shooting other young black men.

I have a dream that all young black men will say “no” to gangs and to drugs.

I have a dream that all black young people will graduate from high school.

I have a dream that young black men won’t become fathers until after they’re married and they have a job.

I have a dream that young unmarried black women will say “no” to young black men who want to have sex.

I have a dream that today’s black leadership will quit blaming racism and “the system” for what ails black America.

I have a dream that black America will take responsibility for improving their own lives.

I have a dream that one day black America will cease their dependency on the government plantation, which has enslaved them to lives of poverty, and instead depend on themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities.

Yes, this idiot wrote this crap while supporting the gutting of public education, de-funding access to health care, fully supporting the schools-to-prisons pipeline, supporting abortion bans, and more.

It's completely cynical and disgusting.

Oh, and while I'm at it, Steve King can take a flying leap too.

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