Dick Morris Gets Big Leg Tingles Over 2012 Primaries, Brought To You By Fox News

This is how blatant they are. Shameless, even. After talking it up the night before on Sean Hannity's Fox News show, Dick Morris posted this on his site yesterday: About half of those who call themselves Republicans in the United States

Dick Morris posted this on his site yesterday:

About half of those who call themselves Republicans in the United States report that they watch Fox News every night and two-thirds say they watch it “several times a week or more.” 46% of Independents also watch Fox News that frequently. Even 21% of Democrats say they watch several times a week or more.

Fox News’ market dominance among Republicans and Independents was not as evident in 2008 as it is today. Its growth in market share and ratings has been phenomenal. Now its impact is decisive in Republican primaries.

In 2012, the Republicans and Independents that will choose the GOP nominee will be found watching O’Reilly, Hannity, Beck, Shep Smith, Bret Baer, Megyn Kelly, Steve Doocey, Brian Kilmeade, and Gretchen Carlson. It is on their shows that the early narrowing down process will take place.

Day after day, we will see all the candidates on Fox News. Not just in debates, but in frequent appearances on the opinion and news shows on the network. We will watch how they handle themselves, we’ll learn how they answer questions, and we’ll come to our decision. As such, the Republican nominating process will come to resemble American Idol where we watch them perform and vote on who we like the best.


But now, surveys in Iowa and New Hampshire will show the same results as the rest of the country because all their Republicans will be watching Fox News – the same broadcast as the rest of us are seeing. Whatever local activity is going on in Des Moines or Cedar Rapids or Manchester or Concord will be drowned out by the constant coverage Republicans will be getting on Fox News.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but did Mr. Dick Toe Sucker Morris just say voters won't matter because Fox News will dictate the outcome? Did he? Really?

Why yes, he did. And he restates that here:

When the actual primaries take place, their results will tend to ratify the consensus the country has come to from watching Fox News. Americans will impose their views on the early primaries, not the other way around.

A couple of thoughts on this. First, Morris either has a fetish about Sarah Palin's toes or he's delusional, because Rupert Murdoch has a real thang for Li'l Miss "I'mJustARealPersonWithaTouchofSnark" Palin, and he'd like nothing more than for her to run in 2012. Murdoch is lost in his "Nixon with lipstick" fantasy for sure. Second, and more importantly, can we please finally just lose the "fair and balanced" nonsense Fox News peddles and get down to figuring out what the value of the in-kind contribution is when an entire 24-hour cable news channel is devoted to not only covering just one side of the primary races, but also determining the outcome?

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