Did George Zimmerman's Father Talk To Sanford Police The Night Of Trayvon Martin's Shooting?

It certainly appears that he did, as Lawrence O'Donnell uncovers in this segment. Robert Zimmerman, retired Virginia Supreme Court magistrate and father of George Zimmerman, has been making the rounds for media interviews with Fox News

[h/t Heather at Videocafe]

It certainly appears that he did, as Lawrence O'Donnell uncovers in this segment.

Robert Zimmerman, retired Virginia Supreme Court magistrate and father of George Zimmerman, has been making the rounds for media interviews with Fox News exclusively. He's cloaked in shadow, of course, so he isn't identified. In those interviews, he was asked whether the police knew he was a retired magistrate and whether that might have had an impact on their decision to let George Zimmerman go free that night without taking his clothes or keeping his gun, or doing any of the usual investigation that police do when they find a dead kid laying on his stomach with his hands underneath him.

Zimmerman's answer to the question was a denial and not a denial. He said, "No one knew that I was a retired magistrate judge. I didn't mention it to the police. I didn't mention it to the state attorney's office."

How interesting that he would specifically say he didn't mention it, without any denial that he spoke to them. Do you think that the police might have known who George Zimmerman was before they showed up that night, simply because he had called them 48 times in the past two months? Do you think it's possible, maybe even probable, that George Zimmerman had bragged about having a daddy who was a retired magistrate judge, or that he might have mentioned it that night when his daddy came to the police station to talk to the state attorney and police but didn't mention that he was a retired judge?

It seems to me, as it did Lawrence O'Donnell, that Zimmerman's statement that he didn't "mention it" to the police or city attorney implies that he was speaking to them. That night. And whether he mentioned it or not, I'd say it's more probable than not that they knew who Zimmerman was, and who his daddy was.

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