Dr. Cornel West Tells Martin Bashir President Obama Should Apologize To His Critics

On Martin Bashir's show today, Dr. Cornel West took aim at President Obama's speech to the Congressional Black Caucus. At one point West said the President should apologize to critics like Tavis Smiley and himself, because they are speaking out of

transcript of the first speech he gave to them in March, 2009. It seemed pretty firm, upbeat, determined. Here are his 2010 remarks, also upbeat, but focused more on health care reform. I can't find any speech of his in 2011, but he did speak to the US Chamber of Commerce, and he did suggest that if he had brought a fruitcake maybe they might have started on the right foot. It was a joke, but certainly ironic, given the millions the US Chamber spent to make sure he had a Congress he couldn't work with.

Also, TARP was a Bush policy that West is putting on Obama's head. So he's just wrong on that one. And I know for sure that President Obama has rapped those groups West mentioned on their knuckles for their own impatience. To me, the key phrase in the speech to the CBC was this one: "With patient and firm determination...". Regardless of what you think about the specific policies, I don't think anyone will argue that he comes at things with a great deal of patience, perhaps more than others would like. So what is West's point? And why doesn't he mention the expansion of health care to poor children, or the extension and expansion of the EITC as something he was able to do to help those in poverty?

I guess I'm a little confused by West's remarks and even more confused by what he expects. On the one hand, he's saying poverty and unemployment is higher among African-Americans than other communities. This is true. But on the other, he seems to be critical of any efforts to get business leaders to start hiring. Ok, there are differing opinions on this, but what I'm not hearing from Dr. West is what he thinks should be done.

My final thought goes to his remarks about how he is not a leader but loves black people, whereas black leaders don't love black people. Here is my question, phrased as best as I can: Isn't this President supposed to be the leader of all Americans? Wouldn't we expect the same from a white President? Should there be some sort of racial preference in leadership?

I don't have answers to these questions. But maybe you do.

Oh, I just received this via Twitter: Dr. West evidently left the MSNBC studios and headed over to join the Occupy Wall Street protests.

For reference, here is the excerpt from the President's CBC speech which he is most angry about (h/t TheGrio):

And I know at times that gets folks discouraged. I know. I listen to some of you all. (Laughter.) I understand that. And nobody feels that burden more than I do. Because I know how much we have invested in making sure that we're able to move this country forward. But you know, more than a lot of other folks in this country, we know about hard. The people in this room know about hard. (Applause.) And we don't give in to discouragement.

Throughout our history, change has often come slowly. Progress often takes time. We take a step forward, sometimes we take two steps back. Sometimes we get two steps forward and one step back. But it's never a straight line. It's never easy. And I never promised easy. Easy has never been promised to us. But we've had faith. We have had faith. We've had that good kind of crazy that says, you can't stop marching. (Applause.)
Even when folks are hitting you over the head, you can't stop marching. Even when they're turning the hoses on you, you can't stop. (Applause.) Even when somebody fires you for speaking out, you can't stop. (Applause.) Even when it looks like there's no way, you find a way -- you can't stop. (Applause.) Through the mud and the muck and the driving rain, we don't stop. Because we know the rightness of our cause -- widening the circle of opportunity, standing up for everybody's opportunities, increasing each other's prosperity. We know our cause is just. It's a righteous cause.

So in the face of troopers and teargas, folks stood unafraid. Led somebody like John Lewis to wake up after getting beaten within an inch of his life on Sunday -- he wakes up on Monday: We're going to go march. (Applause.)

Dr. King once said: "Before we reach the majestic shores of the Promised Land, there is a frustrating and bewildering wilderness ahead. We must still face prodigious hilltops of opposition and gigantic mountains of resistance. But with patient and firm determination we will press on." (Applause.)

So I don't know about you, CBC, but the future rewards those who press on. (Applause.) With patient and firm determination, I am going to press on for jobs. (Applause.) I'm going to press on for equality. (Applause.) I'm going to press on for the sake of our children. (Applause.) I'm going to press on for the sake of all those families who are struggling right now. I don't have time to feel sorry for myself. I don't have time to complain. I am going to press on. (Applause.)

I expect all of you to march with me and press on. (Applause.) Take off your bedroom slippers, put on your marching shoes. Shake it off. (Applause.) Stop complaining, stop grumbling, stop crying. We are going to press on. We've got work to do, CBC. (Applause.)

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