Eric Ferhnstrom Plays The 'You Are What We Are' Game
Eric Fehrnstrom has the Republican technique of painting opponents with Republican brushes down to an art form. On ABC's This Week, he came out swinging against President Obama's leadership, claiming a "deficit in leadership." FEHRNSTROM:
This, as surrogate for the guy who couldn't be bothered to firmly repudiate Rush Limbaugh's horrible comments about Sandra Fluke, saying he "would not have chosen those words."
This, as he watched Mitt Romney throw Richard Grenell under the bus because Grenell is gay.
This, from a guy who just swatted away his candidate's utter lack of character and empathy in his past. Remember Romney's bullying of a gay classmate? His pranking of a nearly-blind teacher?
This, from the guy whose boss had the nerve to stand in front of Solyndra last week and lie about stimulus funds and green energy while conveniently forgetting his own Massachusetts investments in solar companies as governor. By the way, both of those investments by the people of Massachusetts are also a bust and a total loss. What is the greater failure of leadership for Romney in that situation? Making terrible investments or celebrating the failure of Solyndra?
This, from the guy who shamelessly claimed his candidate would simply Etch-a-Sketch his past away, erasing the primary from the history books and shifting his positions in the general campaign without regard to past statements, something Romney does routinely. Fehrnstrom calls it Etch-a-Sketch; I call it lying.
The list goes on and on. The lies, the cowardice, the still-urgent need to suck up to Romney's tea party base when he is the presumptive nominee and needs to make the case to people who aren't insane.
While I was trying to find a single example of Mitt Romney's stellar leadership which was brought on by his business background, I found this blog post which sums up what leaders should look like:
Leadership is the ability to cause others to care about following you, because they believe you care about them. If you want to be a successful leader – in business or politics – you have to care more about the people you lead than you care about leading.
Mitt Romney fails that test, even by that conservative blogger's standards. In fact, he closes the post by saying he hopes Romney "learns that" after he's elected.
Experience stripping assets from companies to bankrupt them isn't leadership. It's predatory. Lying to people to gain their trust isn't leadership, either. It's deceptive.
I saw what Eric Fehrnstrom did there, and you should too. He basically took everything he and Mitt Romney have been doing to people and tried to pin it on Barack Obama, because he knows the thing his candidate lacks most is leadership qualities.
Bullies aren't leaders. Liars aren't leaders. They're just bullies and liars.