Fox Business Reads List Of People Viewers Want To See Waterboarded
Really, Fox Business? You irresponsible idiots. That's right, let's just all make a joke out of torture, shall we? As if it's not bad enough that you jerks make a concerted effort to convince your viewers that immoral, unethical, violent
Really, Fox Business? You irresponsible idiots. That's right, let's just all make a joke out of torture, shall we? As if it's not bad enough that you jerks make a concerted effort to convince your viewers that immoral, unethical, violent behavior is perfectly fine, now you joke about it?
Yes, Fox Business asked their twitter buddies who should be waterboarded next. And their Twitter buddies responded. Among their choices: President Obama, Alan Colmes, Rachel Maddow, Joy Behar and Keith Olbermann. There were more, but isn't this enough?
Perhaps the only light moment came when Monica Crowley said waterboarding Eric Bolling wouldn't help because he has no "actionable intelligence."
Neither, evidently, do the idiots who program this show. What an incredible waste of bandwidth.
Transcript of list-reading:
BOLLING: I wanted to know who else at home who you thought should be waterboarded.
So, Louise says, waterboard "Joy Behar." Patti says "Senate Dems... and then Obama... and then the kooks on The View, starting with Joy." Jerry says he wants to see Alan Colmes get waterboarded. "The secrets of the left wing cabal will come pouring out of that boy." This guy's a bit more sentimental, go ahead, waterboard "my ex-wife." Denise says Keith Olbermann and Rachael Maddow. And Mike says "Waterboard the Westboro Baptists Church." I agree with them.
Did Bolling agree with all of the suggestions, or just the Westboro suggestion? It's not clear to me...and it's hard to want to give him the benefit of the doubt given his obvious glee at asking the question and receiving the answers he did.
[h/t Media Matters]