Fox News Contributor Erick Erickson Does His New Network Proud
It takes some real class for a Fox News contributor to tweet a link to a coathanger manufacturer just after Texas passed their woman-hating clinic closure law, but for Erick Erickson, it was just another day on Twitter.
After the Texas Senate passed their woman-hating, clinic-closing, rights-robbing travesty of a "pro-life" bill restricting abortion after 20 weeks, Mr. Goat-F*cker Erick Erickson tweeted that. Of course, he received the attendant dose of outrage from the bill's opponents and attaboys from arrogant puffed-up women haters on Twitter, but he was perfectly fine with what he had tweeted, spending the next hour or so needling "libs" for denying their babykilling ways.
And then he deleted the tweet, after writing a post about how "sorry" he was for "offending the kid-killing caucus." Trolling much, Erick?
Women-hating white dudes like Erick are all very devout Christians, don't you know? They can tweet Bible verses like nobody's business, and Erickson is no exception.
In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; though you look carefully at his place, he will not be there.
— Erick Erickson (@EWErickson) July 13, 2013
As a Christian myself, I'm always amused by people who deem themselves arbiters of the wicked and the righteous. I can toss verses just as easily as anyone. Here's my response, which he will not heed, I'm sure.
"Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." - James 1:26-27
Funny, but I found no verses instructing puffed-up proud men to order women around and treat them as second -class citizens.
That first tweet is disgusting enough that you might imagine that Fox News might not appreciate it reflecting back on them, but no. Fox and Erickson have no regrets whatsover about Erickson's craven, offensive, self-serving tweet, at least as it relates to appearances and women. Alas, no. Here's what finally drove him to do it:
Yep, he deleted it because the business he linked to did not appreciate being used as a pawn in the debate. Mocking women who have died rather than give birth to a child they didn't want didn't bother Erickson one whit, but it wasn't seemly to drag a business name through his particular brand of mud, so he deleted it.
As Charles Johnson wrote yesterday, behold the face of the American Taliban.
Erickson claimed he had "outgrown" his childish ways when he was criticized for the goat-fcking Supreme Court Justice comment in his CNN days. If that tweet is evidence of outgrowing something, it must be whatever he stows his ego in when he's not inflating his own importance while pretending to be a righteous man.