GOP Kills Veterans Jobs Bill, Grants Themselves A Vacation

Let's talk about how dedicated Republicans really are to creating jobs. While they talk pretty about the unemployment rate and publicly tear their clothes, don sackcloth and spread on ashes over higher veterans' unemployment rates, they do everything they can to kill any possibility of actually employing veterans.

kill any possibility of actually employing veterans.

This morning the bill was to be debated in the Senate, but Jeff Sessions raised a budget point of order, which halted the debate until the Senate could vote to override it. His argument was the usual Republican claptrap about how we don't have a budget, how spending bills have to originate in the now-recessed House of Representatives, and on and on. You've heard it. There's nothing new.

Here's what it would have done, via The Hill:

The Veterans Jobs Corp Act would have created new job-training programs to help veterans find work in targeted fields such as national park conservation, historic preservation projects, police work and firefighting, among others.

Those are jobs we need, and jobs veterans need. But the Senate fell 2 votes short of the usual Senate supermajority they need to pass anything these days, despite Senators Snowe, Brown, Collins, Heller, and Murkowski voting with the Democrats.

The galling part is that the budget isn't an issue. The bill was fully paid for and didn't initiate new spending, and once again included Republican ideas. Still, no dice.

The Senate atmosphere has gotten so bad, Tom Coburn doesn't want to come to work anymore (see video). Calling Congress "cowardly", he sadly admitted that the politics just taint everything. Well, yes, Senator Coburn. That's what happens when one is a politician. You make compromises, You work with your colleagues. You don't weep when you don't get 100 percent of what you want.

Senator Coburn shouldn't really worry, because the House passed a six-month continuing resolution and gave themselves a 2-month vacation. Looks like there won't be much work ahead for the Senate after they pass the continuing resolution as written by the House.

And people wonder why Congress is so universally loathed.

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