Grover Norquist Is Becoming Irrelevant

As scarce noted earlier, Senator Saxby Chambliss is breaking the hold the Norquist pledge has over him. As Georgia goes, so goes the nation? Well, perhaps not, but Chambliss is doing the right thing as are other Republicans who understand that

scarce noted earlier, Senator Saxby Chambliss is breaking the hold the Norquist pledge has over him. As Georgia goes, so goes the nation? Well, perhaps not, but Chambliss is doing the right thing as are other Republicans who understand that stonewalling just isn't an option if they want to keep their office and also do what's right for the country.

Via ThinkProgress:

“I care more about my country than I do about a 20-year-old pledge,” Chambliss says. “If we do it his way then we’ll continue in debt, and I just have a disagreement with him about that.” … Now Chambliss says he wants to do what it takes to right the U.S. fiscal ship, even if that means findings ways to raise revenue, which Norquist strongly opposes.

Does Chambliss think Norquist will hold the anti-tax pledge against him during his next re-election bid in 2014? Yes.

“But I don’t worry about that because I care too much about my country. I care a lot more about it than I do Grover Norquist,” Chambliss says.

Perhaps Senator Chambliss heard the voters better than some Republicans. I hear rumbles in Tea-Party Land of third party challenges to anyone breaking the pledge. Oh, please, yes. Let the Tea Party break into a third party and see how relevant they become.

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