Hannity Desperately Tries To Get Obama Bio Author To Slam Media Matters, Bill Ayers

Jodi Kantor is the author of The Obamas, a recently-released account of President and Mrs. Obama's adjustment to the White House. Many of you know I am not a fan of the book, not because it's particularly negative, but because there is a lot of

Brent Bozell, founder and president of Media Research Center, making regular appearances on your show to slam other networks, writers and 'liberal' media? What exactly is your relationship with him? There's something not right about a so-called 'independent' media watchdog sending its highest officer to your show, Sean, about once a week to defend your network and your network alone. Oh, and if he happens to take the President down a few notches along the way, that's okay too.

It's just not right. Am I not tapping into something?

Okay, handing it back to Kantor now. At this point in the interview, the expression on Jodi Kantor's face makes transcribing the interview worth every painful second. And her answer to this one is a bit more fun.

KANTOR: To be honest, I'm not sure Valerie Jarrett and Jeremiah Wright actually know each other. Their backgrounds are -- really different. Yeah, but I've interviewed Jarrett and the President's closest friends extensively and I don't think there's anything necessarily radical about them.

HANNITY: So Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Jarrett's association with Media Matters, seems perfectly normal to you.

KANTOR: Well, Ayers was kind of a tangential guy in the President's life. I've looked into it and there's no evidence that they had a particularly close or formative relationship.

HANNITY: No? He started his political career in his house, they gave speeches together, they sat on boards together. When asked about it one time, he said it's a guy in the neighborhood. You don't think that's odd?

KANTOR: In the biographical reporting I've done it's somebody like Jarrett who was a mentor in Chicago, and has a pretty conventional background as a businessperson and I don't think there's anything radical about her background. She's the person who has a much closer and more formative relationship with the President than somebody like Bill Ayers, I think.

I've got to give Kantor credit for deadpanning this whole interview. It's only her facial expression that gives away the thought she is surely having at this point -- What on earth is this man going on about? It's that deadpanning that finally gives Hannity a clue that he needs to move on to something else and end on a high note.

To wrap up the loose ends, Sean Hannity is trying to link up one board association with Bill Ayers and a dinner given early in Obama's political career with Valerie Jarrett's White House logs showing a few visits by Eric Burns at Media Matters and Jeremiah Wright's sermons.

None of it makes any sense, but it's not supposed to. For Hannity viewers, it's really just all about hammering home the "scary black guy in the White House with American-hating radical friends" theme to his loyal viewers. He even opened up this segment with the characteristic reference to "the Anointed One".

If we were to flip this around a little bit and do the same thing to Mitt Romney, could we possibly link up Brent Bozell, Scott Walker, Catholic bishops, Mormonisms bizarre baptism of the dead rituals, and Mitt's dog Seamus with an open question about whether or not something is a little bit not right about it? Oooh, and let's not forget Glenn Beck, because after all, he IS a Mormon. Right?

On February 21st, David Brock's latest book comes out. It's called "The Fox Effect: How Roger Ailes Turned a Network Into a Propaganda Machine". I'm certain it's just coincidence that Fox News and Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller are ramping up the crazy noise machine this week, right? Of course it is.


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