Herman Cain Intimidates Employees Via AFP 'Seminars'

Mr. "All Hat, No Cattle" sexual predator Herman Cain is back out on the campaign trail, this time for the benefit of his patrons, the Kochs and their astroturf organization, AFP. Via The Nation: “The problem,” former GOP presidential

Mr. "All Hat, No Cattle" sexual predator Herman Cain is back out on the campaign trail, this time for the benefit of his patrons, the Kochs and their astroturf organization, AFP.

Via The Nation:

“The problem,” former GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain told a ballroom of about thirty people in Philadelphia on Friday afternoon, “is we have a president who does not believe in a free marketplace. This is why his whole campaign is about class warfare. Playing the race card. Divisiveness. And as some of us know, deception.”

These are boilerplate attacks from Cain, but this was not a typical Tea Party rally. This was yet another stop on Cain’s “Job Creators Truth Tour 2012,” the fifth this week and one of thirty that will happen before the election. The audience was “job creators” from the Philadelphia area—small-business owners who were there to learn how to influence their employees vote in November.

This is part of the larger coordinated effort on the part of the oligarchs to recruit business owners into an employee intimidation plan. Mitt Romney kicked it off with his phone call to the NFIB encouraging them to let employees know their jobs just might depend on how they voted.

Some of these "small employers" have definitely taken the strategy to heart. This segment from "Up with Chris Hayes" tells us more about ASG Software's employee intimidation tour:

It seems ASG's CEO Arthur Allen went farther than simply telling employees how they should vote. He also recommended they donate and donate heavily to Mitt Romney:

ThinkProgress reports:

To all ASG domestic employees,

This coming Monday, Mitt Romney will be officially nominated as the Republican Presidential candidate. I am encouraging everyone to go to the Romney for President web site and contribute as much as you can to his campaign for President, up to the maximum of $2500.00 per person. I am also encouraging you to contact all of your friends and relatives and ask them to support Romney and to go to the polls and vote on election day.

ASG, like many companies, is still struggling, even after 4 years. You probably heard that we tripped a bank leverage covenant on June 30th, and now must go through yet another round of unfavorable treatment by our lenders. Many of our domestic employees are still on the 4 day work week. Many of our customers are waiting until they see the results of the election before beginning to invest again. We need to elect a fiscally conservative President and Vice-President and stop this ridiculous government spending. I believe that Romney and Ryan can put us back on the path to sanity, but even then it is not going to be painless for our country and ASG.

Please help ASG and yourself by contributing to the Romney/Ryan campaign.

Mr. Allen

This letter gets my dander up for a couple of reasons. First, the unmitigated gall of any employer putting this kind of pressure on its employees is just evil. But second, the things he's whining about? They're things Republicans caused! The tax uncertainty? Republicans made that. Banks throwing their weight around? Republicans made that, and they want to give banks even more power by repealing the puny regulations under Dodd-Frank. That's a Republican problem, not Obama's creation.

But then, intellectual honesty is not a hallmark of conservative businessmen, it seems. His letter really should have told employees to vote for Mitt so he could pay less in taxes, pay them lower salaries, make even bigger profits, and build a political machine that would closely resemble a country ruled of, by, and for the oligarchs.

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