Roger Schlafly Clutches His Pearls And Gasps At The Decline In White Births

It's Friday, folks, and a good laugh is in order after Bizarro Week from hell, don't you think? So sit back and laugh at Phyllis Schlafly's son Roger who is terribly upset about the fact that the (former) minority population is growing faster than

It's Friday, folks, and a good laugh is in order after Bizarro Week from hell, don't you think? So sit back and laugh at Phyllis Schlafly's son Roger who is terribly upset about the fact that the (former) minority population is growing faster than the white population.

Via Right Wing Watch:

Roger Schlafly, son of Eagle Forum founder Phyllis Schlafly, today mourned on the Eagle Forum Blog a Census Bureau report showing that non-white births have now exceeded white births in the U.S. “It is not a good thing,” Schlafly said, warning that “immigrants do not share American values” and therefore “will not be voting Republican when they start voting in large numbers.” He went on to claim that “NY Times liberals seek to destroy the American family of the 1950s,” saying that immigrants “do not share” American values like working hard and self-sufficiency, and instead “will vote Democrat when the Democrats promise them more food stamps.”

To which I think aloud, "Perhaps we should lower the voting age to around 12?" Just kidding, but still, the idea that these not-white children will not be voting Republican when they start voting in large numbers just makes my heart sing.

Perhaps the funniest part of Roger's post is the update, where he wonders why on earth liberal blogs like Right Wing Watch and Daily Kos do not care for Ozzie and Harriet. Ahem, Roger. The pearls are screaming. Tend to them.

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