Immigration Reform Advocates Protest Outside Kris Kobach's House

Kris Kobach, the author of SB 1070, was met with a group of peaceful, friendly protesters looking to shower him with love and change his mind on immigration reform.

Sunflower Community Action from paying a visit to his home and inviting him to stop spreading his hate.

Kobach declined and ramped up the hate meter a few notches in the process:

Kobach told Fox News radio host Todd Starnes that he and his family had been out of town at the time, but he was “just appalled” because “they don’t have a right to enter someone’s private property and engage in this kind of intimidation.”

“If we had been in the home and not been armed, I would have felt very afraid – because it took the police 15 minutes to show up,” he explained. “It’s important we recognize there’s a reason we have the Second Amendment. There are situations like this where you have a mob and you do need to be able to protect yourself.”

“The Second Amendment is the private property owner’s last resort.”

Kobach vowed not to let the “illegal aliens” change his mind about opposing comprehensive immigration reform.

Kris, show me in the video where the brown people touched you. It'll be ok. They weren't there to hurt you, just to show you they're people too.

The next time Kobach claims he's not racist, please remember his reaction to this incident of peaceful people doing peaceful, lawful things.

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