Joe Scarborough Whines About Meanies On The Left
I am so tired of the constant drumbeat of false equivalence from the likes of Joe Scarborough. Right at the top of his show this morning he jumps out with a little whine in his coffee about how mean the awful left is to him, and how hateful their
Joe's little rant follows last week's rant where he called Wisconsin teachers "sick and selfish" for standing up for their rights instead of taking their medicine like everyone else. Of course, we all now know right from Governor Walker's own lips that this isn't about the budget, but about union-busting. He's said it over and over again over the past three days. Yet no one took Scarborough to task for calling working people who want the right to collectively bargain "sick and selfish." Not a one.
About that whole civility thing, Joe. Let's talk on that for a minute, because the language of hatefulness seems to be the native tongue of the Tea Party. Let me share a few email headlines I've received over the past couple of days, sent from Tea Party leaders to the Tea Party faithful.
- President Stupid
- Run by Fools
- Obama's Incredible Shrinking America
Those are just a random sampling of headlines. The text is far worse. It's an intentional effort to keep tea party members engaged by enraging them. Those email blasts go out at least three times every day to the membership with little teases in them like this:
The socialists, from Obama on down, are spreading the word that if there is a government shutdown, the world as we know it will come to an end. There will be no military, security, air traffic control and grandma won't get her social security check.
Guess what? They are lying!
Yeah, nothing to see here, move along. Sure, the lefties send emails like this to their members every single day, working them into a lather over the tiniest, most trivial, ginned-up issues. And yeah, sure we have a 24/7 propaganda machine called Fox News out there amplifying that rage for the world to see. Sure we do, Joe.
People on the left understand that we have no mainstream media that can be considered "liberal." At best, we get Rachel Maddow's brilliance offset by Joe Scarborough's whining ways on MSNBC. Meanwhile, Fox News just grinds out the propaganda hour after hour, day after day.
So forgive me, Joe, if I don't weep big salt tears for the nasty emails you receive. I'll delete mine if you delete yours. That's about all anyone can do.