Justice Scalia Will Teach Constitution 101 To Bachmann's Tea Party Caucus

Well, isn't this cozy? Justice Scalia has 'graciously' agreed to set the tone for each Congressional week by coaching the Tea Party caucus on the Constitution and Declaration of Independence. Lou Dobbs is all tingly over it too: Dobbs:

'graciously' agreed to set the tone for each Congressional week by coaching the Tea Party caucus on the Constitution and Declaration of Independence.

Lou Dobbs is all tingly over it too:

Dobbs: You've got a terrific idea that you're going to implement with the new Congress: a course on the Constitution for incoming Congressmen and women. Tell us about that.

Bachmann: We're going to do what the NFL does and what the baseball teams do: we're going to practice every week, if you will, our craft, which is studying and learning the Declaration, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.

Justice Scalia has graciously agreed to kick off our class. The hour before we cast our first vote in congress, we'll meet in the Capitol, we'll have a seminar on some segment of the Constitution, we'll have a speaker, we'll have questions and answers, we'll wrap our minds around this magnificent document [and] that'll set the tone for the week while we're in Washington.

I think it's great and I'm hoping all the members of Congress will partake; it's bipartisan.

I wonder which week will be the one where they discuss separation of powers and impartial justice. Just sayin'.

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