Karl Rove Pokes Tea Party Hornets' Nest

Karl Rove blasted some of the "grassroots" Tea Party groups who have declared war on his newest effort to repackage the conservative crap sandwich in a prettier package that "can win elections." This is the purpose of Rove's new group, he claims,

declared war on his newest effort to repackage the conservative crap sandwich in a prettier package that "can win elections." This is the purpose of Rove's new group, he claims, though Hannity contended he was really protecting incumbents from being primaried by more conservative candidates.

Rove had unkind words for some of the groups who have criticized him for his new Conservative Victory Project, saying that most of them use issues like this to raise funds for their websites, "sucking up the majority of funds on overhead." Not that he's wrong about that, but it certainly seems to be evidence of a deep breach inside the Republican party. Malkin was ballistic over Rove's move, as were others.

Dana Loesch reacted to Rove in real time, tweeting up a storm about how wrong, wrong, wrong Rove was about Todd Akin.

Erick Erickson's head must have exploded when he saw this, given his rant yesterday about Rove's new group. Erickson seems to be playing all sides of the debate, since he didn't spare the Tea Party anything either when he called their brand a "cancer."

All Rove is doing is repackaging the same damaged merchandise in shinier paper. He's fine with their crummy message, but his billionaires want candidates who will actually win with that message. On the other hand, Freedomworks, Tea Party Nation and others really want to simply put out the unvarnished goods because they're deluded enough to think people will buy it.

Either way, they're all missing the point, which is that what they're selling smells very bad to most people- rotten, even. It doesn't matter what packaging they put around it, it still stinks. But it sure is fun to watch them chew on each other. Pop the popcorn and sit back for the fireworks.

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