LAPD Pulls Out Riot Gear At ArtWalk Over Chalk Drawings

LAPD Pulls Out Riot Gear At Art Walk Over Chalk Drawings

Wow, folks. Who knew chalk could be subversive enough to bring out the LAPD in full riot gear? Yet, that's exactly what happened tonight.

LA Times:

Police in riot gear and several dozen people squared off Thursday evening during downtown Los Angeles' monthly ArtWalk.

Law enforcement sources said there have been at least 12 arrests, mostly related to vandalism. It was unclear what prompted the confrontation, but it appeared to involve Occupy protesters and a plan to draw on sidewalks with chalk.

LAPD officers have blocked off streets in the vicinity of Spring, Main and 5th streets. There are reports of plastic bottles being thrown at police, and the LAPD has called a tactical alert.

No injuries have been reported.

Oh no!!! Chalk! Horror of horrors. While there may be more to the story, what I've seen on Twitter tonight seems to involve chalk. I've done some research and can't seem to find any updated laws making sidewalk chalk a crime.

The LAPD claims they were being pelted with bottles and rocks, which may or may not be true when it all shakes out. Based on the number of people I'm reading on Twitter willing to accept that chalk-armed anarchists set out to start a riot in the middle of "Artwalk", I'd be inclined to discount those claims until they're documented.

Chalk. Who'd have thunk it? And guitars, evidently.

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