Lawrence O'Donnell Wants Some Help Understanding Michele Bachmann
Lawrence O'Donnell has a few questions about Michelle Bachmann. He cannot find answers for them, so he's asking for our help. Here they are in short form, but be sure to watch the entire video, because it's great. And so tonight, I
I know from personal experience that Fox News fries brain cells and makes you dumber or crazier if watched for more than a few minutes a day without a skeptical eye.
By the way, Bachmann is about to announce her run for the Presidency. She thinks women will gravitate to her like they did Hillary Clinton, because in her very own words, the Tea Party is made up of Republicans, Independents and Democrats who just hate the direction the country is heading. Yeah, sure it is.

Ignorant? Or compulsive liar?
Full transcript follows:
One, how ignorant is Michelle Bachmann's staff? And two, how ignorant are Michelle Bachmann's voters?... They don't know that Lexington and Concord are in Massachusetts. How and where did she find Congressional staffers who don't know that? Who are these people that work for Michelle Bachmann? Who wrote that speech for her? Where does she find these people?
There are many, many ignorant Members of Congress and many ignorant Senators, but they are protected all day long from revealing most of their ignorance by staffs who are hundreds of times smarter than they are.
Perhaps all of Michele Bachmann's staff come from her district, which may be the most ignorant Congressional district in America. In 2010, 52% of that district voted for Michele Bachmann to represent them in Congress. Now she had already proven time and time again to her district and to America that she is unworthy of representing any congressional district in America. But 52%, the same percentage in that district who voted for John McCain voted for Michele Bachmann in 2010.
What makes those voters so ignorant?
For starters, they are whiter than the average district. 92% white, in fact. But that explains nothing. Missouri's 8th Congressional District is 91% white and has been represented by Jo Ann Emerson since 1997. We do not have a litany of imbecilic comments by Congresswoman Jo Ann Emerson. In fact, we have none. If we've missed any please submit them to our website and we'll see if they compare to Michele Bachmann's.
The median income in Michele Bachmann's is $68,000, which is roughly equivalent to the median income in Barney Frank's district -- $66,000. So, the money explains nothing because Barney Frank's intelligence and expertise in public policy, not to mention his wit is second to none in the House of Representatives.
So those income levels in Michele Bachmann's district are not the explanation for why her voters are so ignorant.
And so tonight, I surrender. Since I have no answers, I will leave you only with questions.
Question One: How ignorant is Michele Bachmann and how did she get that way, and remember, this is a graduate of Winona State University and Oral Roberts University's Coburn School of Law. Law school graduate. So do not overlook her academic achievement in trying to explain this. Doesn't make it any easier to explain.
And two, where does Michele Bachmann find her shockingly ignorant staff?
And three, perhaps most important of all, what explains the rank ignorance of the 52% of the voters in Minnesota's 6th Congressional District?