Let's Play 'Pick Out The Immigrant!'

Rep. Luis Gutierrez took Arizona to the woodshed this morning over the remaining shreds of SB 1070. After using the example of Ted Koppel and Geraldo, he turned to the example of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber to illustrate that Gomez would be

Rep. Luis Gutierrez took Arizona to the woodshed this morning over the remaining shreds of SB 1070. After using the example of Ted Koppel and Geraldo, he turned to the example of Selena Gomez and Justin Bieber to illustrate that Gomez would be the one targeted by the 'papers, please' request even though Bieber is the immigrant.

Just for good measure, Gutierrez used Justices Sotomayor and Scalia to remind that Scalia is a first-generation American, born to immigrants, whereas Sotomayor is Puerto Rican, and a citizen with generations of other US citizens behind her.

I can't do justice to it. You just need to watch. His delivery is delicious.

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