Lindsey Graham Feeds Right-Wing Anti-Government Paranoia

Lindsey Graham's shameful call to hold an American citizen as an 'enemy combatant' just feeds the paranoia of gun nuts and militia members.

Lindsey, you idiot. The second suspect is an American citizen. How does a United States Senator justify calling a United States citizen an 'enemy combatant'?

Graham is feeding the right-wing paranoia about government, but in an amazingly stupid way. By calling for treatment of that suspect as anything other than an American citizen, he confirms the concerns those gun nuts have about government turning on them.

I hope they catch the guy alive, read him his rights, get him medical treatment, and try him according to constitutional principles. Screw that enemy combatant stuff. Do it right.

And Lindsey, as a United States Senator, you should know better.

Update: No, I guess he doesn't. Here's the next series of tweets..er, blather:

Just for a palate cleanser after that, here's what one sensible person added:

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