Mitt Romney Just Made Rush Limbaugh's Head Explode
This may be the only Rush Limbaugh clip I can bear to hear twice. After Mitt's campaign answered the latest Obama ad by saying that the woman who died would have had health care under Romneycare, his conservative base lost their collective
This may be the only Rush Limbaugh clip I can bear to hear twice. After Mitt's campaign answered the latest Obama ad by saying that the woman who died would have had health care under Romneycare, his conservative base lost their collective minds.
Erick Erickson jumped right out there, comparing Romney's remarks to George H.W. Bush's "Read my lips" moment.
Conservatives have put aside their distrust of Romney on this issue in the name of beating Barack Obama. They thought he and his campaign team had gotten the message and the hints. Consider the scab picked, the wound opened, and the distrust trickling out again.
About the only thing more stupid in terms of building bridges with the right would be to say something nice about fetal stem cell research.
But that was mild compared to what Mr. Head of the Republican Party, Boss Rush had to say. Let's just say Rush is not a happy camper today. Here's the transcript, but really, you should listen. It's worth it.
Now you might be asking, since this all went down yesterday, what is the Romney campaign doing? Has the Romney campaign responded?
Yes, they have.
The Romney campaign responded this morning on Fox. Off the top of your head, what do you think the Romney campaign said about it?
Well, I'm gonna tell you. I have the story here from Mediaite and the headline says it all.
Romney spokesperson: "That woman would have had health care under Romneycare." That's the reaction.
Appearing on Fox News with Bill Hemmer, Mitt Romney campaign spokesperson Andrea Saul attacked the ad and then she veered off-message. She said that the fired steelworker would have had access to health care if he had lived in Massachusetts, where under Romney's plan health care coverage is extend ---
Now wait, you telling me that you get a campaign person on from the Romney campaign to respond to an allegation that your candidate is responsible for a woman's death and your answer is "she would have had health insurance if she'd lived in Massachusetts."
What -- um -- I don't know the people at the Romney campaign but I'm gonna tell you your candidate is accused of killing a woman because ---
This isn't about health insurance! They're out there saying that your guy killed a woman! And your answer is, well she'd of had health insurance if she lived in Massachusetts?
F-From the sound of this, they don't know at the Romney campaign what the purpose of this ad was and how it took root. They apparently don't know that the Obama campaign ran an ad accusing Romney of murder, essentially. And Stephanie Cutter's backing it up. The woman DID die. Romney got rich. He closed the plant. Husband lost a job. Wife got sick and died. Romney made out like a bandit.
Well, she'd have had health insurance if she lived in Massachusetts. Uh, you couple that with -- there was a lack of understanding or desire to join the Chick-Fil-A Day?
I mean, that's your base out there.
Here's what Boss Rush isn't understanding. By forcing Romney to stay in the extreme right and play to that 'base', he's losing and losing badly. Obama is gaining ground every single day while Boss Rush wants Romney to go out gay-hating and telling everyone they can die, and die quickly.
When it all shakes out, people don't much care for other people dying because they don't have access to health care, and that small slice of non-base voters isn't really swayed by gay-haters at Chick-Fil-A. But Romney's stuck with the base he's got, and they're not going to let him off the hook for this one anytime soon.