Newt's SuperPAC Guy Rick Tyler: Democrats Abort Black Babies

I'm not sure if Rick Tyler just won the country for Newt or handed the primary to Mitt Romney, but on a day where a major breast cancer charity has chosen to turn their back on poor women in need of breast cancer screenings (including poor black women), this is beyond despicable. Here's the part I zeroed in on as he spoke the words:

major breast cancer charity has chosen to turn their back on poor women in need of breast cancer screenings (including poor black women), this is beyond despicable. Here's the part I zeroed in on as he spoke the words:

TYLER: More people are on food stamps today because of Barack Obama, they fail in the schools, you can ask Al Sharpton, the Democrats have failed in the public schools with the African-Americans, they abort their babies, they've done nothing to lift them out of poverty.

And then he doubled down a few seconds later.

98 percent of African-Americans vote Democrat, okay? What have they gotten for it? Poor schools, poor neighborhoods, crime-ridden neighborhoods, a destruction of the family, and the Democrats want to abort their babies. That's their position. I'm not going to defend that.

Wow. Got that, folks? If you're a Democrat, you presumably want to abort black babies. Really? That's just loaded code right to the core.

Also, about that whole "they've done nothing to lift them out of poverty thing?" According to this 2011 Brandeis study, the single most destructive economic factor in African-American communities is...debt.

Economic stagnation and decline was experienced by both low-wealth whites and low-wealth African-Americans. However, African-Americans were found to be more likely to have very low levels of wealth. In fact, for every year of the study at least one in four African-American families had no assets at all. The increase in negative wealth experienced by many households at the lowest positions on the wealth distribution reveals a new dependence on credit to make ends meet. Among those with no financial assets, credit is often an emergency resource. Summing all assets and debt, one in ten African-Americans owe at least $3,600 (see Figure 3), while their debt burden in 1984 at was about half of this in real terms in 1984 ($2000). In sum, many African Americans hold more debt than assets.

Now I ask you. Whose policies would have put African-Americans in this position? Democrats who "want to abort black babies"? Or Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich's sugar daddies?

Rick Tyler is a worm of a human being who will someday see his ugly heart strangle him in the mirror. But looking beyond his disgusting words, what really makes him the liar he is are the statistics which stamp the word "LIE!" across everything that came out of his smarmy little mouth.

Joan Walsh called it the Republican id unleashed. I'd say that might start to describe it, but it's something more than that. It's as though the last 30 years of barely-veiled hate has bubbled up and is erupting like a volcano filled with the hottest, stinkiest, most disgusting offal we've seen. They're spewing it all over the nation, because they're that desperate to see our first African-American President fail.

A very special shoutout to Reverend Al Sharpton for calling it what it is and standing up for what's right. He was the only one in this segment to come out without being covered with what Tyler served and continues to serve on Twitter. Here's one reply he sent out to someone I follow:

Full segment follows below the fold. If you'd like to see what Jamil Smith, former Rachel Maddow producer currently working on the new Melissa Harris-Perry show debuting in February and Mr. Tyler discussed, I've embedded a series of tweets there, too.

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