Obama Pokes Fun At His Own Debate Performance

One of the things I find refreshing is President Obama's ability to laugh at himself and be sincere about it. In a campaign appearance in Los Angeles, he took a moment to poke fun at himself and his debate performance. Via

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One of the things I find refreshing is President Obama's ability to laugh at himself and be sincere about it. In a campaign appearance in Los Angeles, he took a moment to poke fun at himself and his debate performance.

Via Politico:

Speaking to a concert crowd at the Nokia Theater here, Obama said the musical acts that performed for his campaign – the likes of Katy Perry, Earth, Wind & Fire and Stevie Wonder, among others – “just perform flawlessly, night after night.”

A beat passed. Then the president made himself the punch line.

“I can’t always say the same,” he said.

I still think there was an element of rope-a-dope going in the debate, but regardless, it was a funny line that serves to acknowledge to the base that they expect more from him, while minimizing the impact of his performance. Humor is always a great way to pass the message along.

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