Pat Robertson Needs His Meds Adjusted

Pat Robertson thinks the ACA will kill people, but he's not saying how or who.

Someone needs to pull Pat Robertson aside and get his meds checked. This segment with tobacco shill Betsy McCaughey is just ridiculous babbling nonsense.


Betsy McCaughey, who has built a career around disseminating misinformation about the health care reform law — even launching the “death panels” smear — joined Pat Robertson on the 700 Club today, where she was inaccurately labeled as a “health policy expert.”

McCaughey agreed with Robertson when he warned that “people will die” as a result of the Affordabe Care Act. “Some people may even die,” she added.

The televangelist, in turn, was awestruck by the “amazing” McCaughey, who he said “knows what she is talking about.” Co-host Wendy Griffith agreed, saying, “She was amazing, that was the best interview I’ve heard on Obamacare.”

McCaughey playing the concern troll is simply laughable. The only people in danger of dying are those poor people in red states where Medicaid wasn't expanded, but I'm sure she doesn't give a damn about them.

So who exactly will die from lack of insurance here? We'll have to wait for the next installment of "Right Wing Hallucinations with Pat Robertson" to find out, I'm afraid.

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