Paul Ryan Walks Out On Interview, Has Hurt Fee-Fees

Dawwww, Paul Ryan's little fee-fees got hurt when a local interviewer challenged his assertion that we have plenty of gun laws and not enough enforcement. The reporter followed up with what I consider to be a reasonable question, asking Ryan

[h/t BuzzFeed]

Dawwww, Paul Ryan's little fee-fees got hurt when a local interviewer challenged his assertion that we have plenty of gun laws and not enough enforcement. The reporter followed up with what I consider to be a reasonable question, asking Ryan if he thought tax cuts would bring about that enforcement.

At that point, the interview is over. Ryan's campaign handler tries to block the camera, while Ryan scolds the reporter, telling him he thought the question was "weird."

Actually, no. It's not weird at all. With state, county and city budgets under strain mostly because federal funding for law enforcement has been cut while Ryan has been the chairman of the House Budget Committee, it's a perfectly reasonable question, because it exposes the cynicism of Ryan's Randian outlook on government. Evidently Ryan's handler feels differently. He told BuzzFeed this:

“The reporter knew he was already well over the allotted time for the interview when he decided to ask a weird question relating gun violence to tax cuts. Ryan responded as anyone would in such a strange situation. When you do nearly 200 interviews in a couple months, eventually you’re going to see a local reporter embarrass himself.”

The only one embarrassed in that interview was Ryan. That reporter wouldn't let Ryan have it both ways. Rather than actually being a man and dealing with an honest answer to the question, Ryan walked away, refusing to answer that question or any follow-up questions.

I can't wait for Biden to chew him up. As much as people like to make fun of his gaffes, Joe Biden can be formidable in debate, and I expect he will manage to get under Paul Ryan's skin and throw him off his game.

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