Quick HCR Quiz

A very cool true/false quiz from the New York Times' education section: Based on your understanding of health care reform, circle “T” for true or

A very cool true/false quiz from the New York Times' education section:

Based on your understanding of health care reform, circle “T” for true or “F” for false for each statement.

  1. Starting in 2014, most Americans will have to have a minimum amount of health insurance or else pay a penalty of $95 or .5% of household income, whichever is greater. T F
  2. In the health insurance marketplace created by the reform bill, individuals and employees will be assigned insurance plans based on their needs, rather than choosing the plans for themselves. T F
  3. In 2014, the government will launch a new health insurance company which will compete against private companies. T F
  4. 4. Under the new health care law, employers will be required to offer health insurance to all workers. T F
  5. Starting later this year, the government will give tax credits to small business owners who want to offer their employees health insurance. T F
  6. Despite the reform, insurance companies will still be able to deny an individual coverage based on his or her age and/or medical condition. T F
  7. Under the new plan, federal money cannot be used to pay for abortions, except in cases currently allowed by law, such as rape, incest or when the pregnant woman’s life is in danger. T F
  8. To pay for the new insurance plans, individuals and employers will pay premiums; the rest will be covered by new taxes on high-cost employer-sponsored group health plans and tanning bed use; additional payroll taxes for people who earn more than $200,000 per year, and fees to be collected from health care companies, drug makers, manufacturers of medical devices and insurance companies. T F
  9. Starting in 2014, all illegal immigrants will be able to purchase health insurance through the government. T F
  10. The health insurance reform will result in an estimated 16 million new Medicaid recipients. T F

I'll update with the answers later on. How many did you get right?

Update: 3/26/10 - True: 1,5,7,8 and 10 False: 2,3,4,6 and 9

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