Rand Paul In A Blue Dress
Lately, the Republican party has gotten downright nostalgic for the Bill Clinton years. Oh, they acknowledge the first two years were kind of bad, but then they reminisce fondly over how wonderful it was that they were able to work with a President

Except for Rand Paul. Rand Paul, in an act of raucous desperation, reacted to Bill Clinton's rocking rally for Jack Conway today by dragging out Monica Lewinsky's blue dress and flapping it around for anyone who would listen. OK, not literally, but still, he may as well have...
Told of Clinton's comments by reporters at a campaign stop in Shelbyville on Monday afternoon, Paul responded by saying Clinton was "less than honorable."
"I'm not sure I would trust a guy who had had sexual relations with an intern," Paul said of Clinton's affair with Monica Lewinsky. "I mean, do you think he's an honorable person?
"They complain they want all these workplace rules. Do you think there ought to be a law against having, using the prerogatives of your position and your power, of your job, to have relations with an intern? I think that's disgusting. It gets to the point where we discount what he says. He showed himself less than honorable in office."
Poor Baby Paul. He's angry because Clinton nailed his agenda right to the wall, sending attendees at the Conway event running to sign up to volunteer, contribute, and get out the vote.
The stench of desperation is showing through. Does Rand Paul really think those college students care about something that happened when they were in first grade? I hardly think so.
On the other hand, they might not really care for making a woman bow to the Aqua Buddha after tying her up and giving her bong hits. Yeah, kind of makes that Clinton/Lewinsky thing look like the nontroversy it is.