Reince Priebus: President Obama Turned Dems Into Moochers

After Reince Priebus was re-elected as RNC Chair at their annual meeting Friday afternoon in Charlotte, NC, he painted a vision of the future for Republicans. Okay, he really didn't paint a new vision. He just whitewashed their old one and promised

re-elected as RNC Chair at their annual meeting Friday afternoon in Charlotte, NC, he painted a vision of the future for Republicans. Okay, he really didn't paint a new vision. He just whitewashed their old one and promised that they'd deliver the same crummy policy ideas -- this time, with a smile on their faces and a song in their heart.

After faintly congratulating him for winning the election, Preibus then scolded Obama, claiming that "[Obama] made your party into one of the most outrageous, government-dependent parties that we've ever seen in modern time." Preibus went on to claim that the president has "delivered less and less from our economy, particularly for Hispanics and African Americans, who have struggled disproportionately in the Obama economy."

Gosh, I think he just called Democrats a bunch of moochers. Again. This came right on the heels of his claim that Republicans would stand on principle but smile while they were serving up those policies, in order to win back disaffected Republicans and welcome newcomers.

How is what Priebus said any different than Paul Ryan calling 60 percent of the nation "takers"? Or Romney's claim that 47 percent of us are dependent on government and unwilling to take responsibility for ourselves?

As if to put an exclamation point on things, the next order of business after Priebus' speech was re-electing Sharon Day as co-chair of the RNC. Because Republicans love women, dontcha know? I won't mention that Sharon Day has been co-chair alongside Priebus since 2011 when he was elected, because then you'd know that her presence makes no difference to women whatsoever. It's pure window-dressing.

Gather, ye moochers, and celebrate! Republicans are going to save us by making sure we don't mooch and we don't have anything, either. Privatize everything, and life expectancies won't be a problem anymore, right?

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