Rick Santorum's Nasty, Mean Wisconsin Robocall

Rick Santorum is a lunatic who really needs to do some soul-searching about why he hates gays so much. Check out this robocall, which was run in Ohio and now Wisconsin by third party "independent supporters." I'm guessing it's one they'll use in

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Rick Santorum is a lunatic who really needs to do some soul-searching about why he hates gays so much. Check out this robocall, which was run in Ohio and now Wisconsin by third party "independent supporters." I'm guessing it's one they'll use in Pennsylvania too. Here's what it says:

When you vote tomorrow, vote for social sanity and Rick Santorum, not homosexuality and Mitt Romney. Rick Santorum is the only candidate who can be trusted to uphold traditional marriage, a straight military, and the rights of American children to have both a mother and a father.

I wonder if that right of children to have both a mother and a father applies to children who have lost a parent in a Republican war? Or whether future children have a right to both a mother and a father after President Santorum sends their parent off to die in Iran? But I digress.

This ad was paid for by a group called "Jews and Christians Together." Not only do they put a robocall out that is full of hate for homosexuals, but they also suggest Mitt Romney is running with one! That would be the "Romney-Homosexual" ticket.

Here are some interesting things to note about this group, located at jewsandchristianstogether.org. They are linked in some symbiotic way to SaveCalifornia.com. I discovered this when I clicked the link on their front page to their voter guide, and was directed to a non-existent, broken malformed link on the SaveCalifornia.com website. When I extracted the actual link, it went to this voter guide, created by the "Campaign for Children and Families", a group named by the Southern Poverty Law Center as a hate group because of their ramped-up hate rhetoric against gays.

Randy Thomasson is the president of the Campaign for Children and Families. I am convinced he is auditioning for Bryan Fischer's job as head of the American Family Association. According to his bio, he is a former talk radio host and news producer. Also, he really, really does not like gay people.

According to CCF's 990, Larry Bowler is chairman of the Board. Larry Bowler is a run of the mill right-wing Republican former state legislator, and Secretary Kurt Koch is a businessman in the Sacramento area. Here's a pretty thorough analysis of what Thomasson is all about, which isn't much besides spreading hate wherever he can.

Still, robocall campaigns in Ohio and Wisconsin aren't cheap, so that leaves me wondering who Thomasson's sugar daddy for 2012 is. I'm guessing Foster Friess has some involvement somewhere, being the pious, God-fearing man that he is.

By the way, Thomasson and his ilk hail all the way back to the Huckabee infrastructure. Santorum has essentially taken over Huckabee's operation, particularly the secretive network of churches and religious organizations that backed Huckabee in 2007 through the end of his campaign in 2008.

This is only the beginning. There will be much, much more, even after Santorum goes back to Fox News and his cushy lobbyist job.

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