Romney Campaign Bars Reporter From Ron Johnson Event

Keep it classy, Mittens. I guess we can expect this if you are (God forbid!) elected to the White House. Press conferences held only with friendly media? Just put Fox News, Rush, and Hannity in there and screw the rest of us, eh? Via WTDY

WTDY News:

Republican U.S. Senator Ron Johnson made an appearance at Monona Terrace in Madison on Wednesday to talk about Mitt Romney's plan to strengthen the middle-class. WTDY News reporter Dylan Brogan was supposed to cover the event, which was open to the press, but a Romney spokesperson asked Madison Police to escort him out of the building instead.

A Romney campaign staffer asked Brogan to wait to talk with Romney's Wisconsin Communication Director Ben Sparks before entering the room where the event was being held.

"I'm sorry, I'm going to have to ask you to wait outside until Ben gets here," the staffer told him. "That's what he asked me, sorry about that."

Once Sparks arrived, Brogan was told that was not allowed to cover the event with Sen. Johnson because WTDY morning talk show host Sly in the Morning protested a previous campaign event for Mitt Romney in Janesville.

"He reflects poorly on you, you work for that organization, and you suffer the consequences," Sparks said. "That's how it's going to work. Now we're not going to discuss this anymore. You cannot cover the event."

Guilt by association? Really?

This is, however, what they do. They hold events in private venues so they can pick and choose who covers it and who attends it. It really doesn't matter that they serve the whole public, because they will just simply cherry-pick their media coverage. So let's see what kind of coverage the event received.

From Eau Claire WQOW, this:

Senator Johnson also made a stop in Madison.

That was all I could find. Basically, we don't know what Senator Johnson said when he stopped in Madison. It might have been the same thing he said in Eau Claire. It might have been something else. But we don't know, because no one covered it.

For all their ballyhoo over the US Constitution, why don't Mitt Romney, Ron Johnson and their gang of Republican thugs actually understand the Bill of Rights?

Imagine the White House press reports.

"President Mitt Romney made an appearance in Israel."


[h/t Blogging Blue]

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