Romney Goes On Right-Wing Radio To Reassure Conservatives He Will Support Pre-Existing Condition Exclusions

Repeat after me: This fight over health care has always centered on pre-existing conditions. Some on the right actually believe covering pre-existing conditions is a form of welfare! This is, of course, a variation on the theme "Die and Die

Repeat after me: This fight over health care has always centered on pre-existing conditions. Some on the right actually believe covering pre-existing conditions is a form of welfare! This is, of course, a variation on the theme "Die and Die Quickly."

Mitt Romney had to do something to stop the bleeding, so he rushed over to Hugh Hewitt's show Monday night to reassure the wingers that oh no, he wouldn't under any circumstances make those poor wittle insurers cover pre-existing conditions. Nay.

Here's what he said to reassure them:

ROMNEY: Well of course I’m going to repeal Obamacare. I’ve said that on the campaign trail, I think, every single day. Obamacare must be repealed – in its entirety. It’s bad policy, it’s bad law, and frankly, a $2 trillion entitlement we don’t want and we certainly can’t afford. I have my own health care plan, and it does not require Obamacare to make our health care system work better. Obamacare is a disaster in my opinion, and has to be repealed entirely. But that doesn’t mean that we can’t do some important things to improve our health care system, like, for instance, getting medical malpractice reform, taking actions to lower the cost of health care, and of course, people shouldn’t be able to be dropped from their insurance if they get ill. These are all parts of the plan that I put out in Michigan, oh, a year, year and a half ago, describing my health care plan. So, the Obamacare approach is the wrong way to go. We need – instead of having government choice, we need consumer choice, and I’ll repeal Obamacare and make sure we put in place the kinds of reforms that bring down the cost of health care, and make sure at the same time we return to the individual and to their states the responsibility for the care.

One of the most powerful speeches at the Democratic convention came from an ordinary person: Stacey Lihn. She is the mother of a beautiful three-year old girl who was born with a congenital heart defect. If the Affordable Care Act hadn't been passed, they would have hit the lifetime limit for her treatment within the first year of her life.

Mitt Romney, that defender of the unborn and lives of children, would like to make sure that child never has the opportunity to live a full and long life. Here she is with Lawrence O'Donnell Monday night:

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But at least he has appeased his base. They have been soothed into believing it's perfectly fine for 89 million people to die and die quickly.

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