Romney Lies Again! In Other News, Grass Is Green

Rachel Maddow makes the argument I was making yesterday about why it matters that Mitt Romney has no sense of right, wrong, morals or ethics. It really does matter, and to those who think I'm being redundant, I'd encourage you to start asking

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Rachel Maddow makes the argument I was making yesterday about why it matters that Mitt Romney has no sense of right, wrong, morals or ethics. It really does matter, and to those who think I'm being redundant, I'd encourage you to start asking the questions alongside me about why it is that his moral and ethical failures are glossed over so completely in the press coverage of the man.

Here's the latest one. Mitt Romney looked at an audience during a speech on Thursday and told them this, flat-out:

One must ask whether we will still be a free enterprise nation and whether we will still have economic freedom. America is on the cusp of having a government-run economy. President Obama is transforming America into something very different than the land of the free and the land of opportunity.

Just about everything that comes out of Romney's mouth is a lie, and no regular reader here should be surprised by that. But what is surprising is how easily he does it, and that he never, ever, ever is sorry for it. Not even a little bit sorry for it.

The Mormon religion adheres to the tenets of the Bible, and in the Bible Jesus gives this admonition:

You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

That wasn't meant to get preachy on you as much as it was to frame the seriousness of what Mitt Romney is doing inside of his claim to be some kind of holy and righteous man, just for the record. Because when you tell lies like that, or look people in the eye and straight up lie about Solyndra, or when you tell people a lefty author says Obama pushed the Affordable Care Act to intentionally slow down the economic recovery, then it is apparent to all who are listening that Mitt Romney is speaking in his native tongue of lies. There's nothing even slightly righteous about that, nothing good, and nothing worthy of the Oval Office.

Steve Benen tracks Mitt's mendacity on a weekly basis. So far he has over twenty installments. TWENTY.

You know Mitt Romney is a lying liar and so do I. Now go tell that nice lady down the street who thinks he'd be better for this country than the black guy who's already there.

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