Romney Rehab, Day 3: Fox News Says Obama Ignored Warnings Ahead Of Libya Attacks

Mitt Romney is such a pathetic candidate that we're now forced to watch Fox News contort itself into a tiny wretched pretzel in order to "suppose" that there might have been warnings leading up to the embassy attacks in Benghazi, Libya last week.

devastating poll for Romney, showing that the people in countries that are our strongest allies feel rather strongly that he should not be elected in November. I share those sentiments. However, Pakistanis seem to think he might be a good choice.

Here's how the Fox spin goes, and I noticed it was on all three of the primetime shows tonight too, so plan on seeing it spill over into next week's news cycles until they clean up this week's Romney droppings on the international landscape.

Fox is getting their story from The Independent, who claims the State Department had 48 hours notice that something was going to happen somewhere.

According to senior diplomatic sources, the US State Department had credible information 48 hours before mobs charged the consulate in Benghazi, and the embassy in Cairo, that American missions may be targeted, but no warnings were given for diplomats to go on high alert and "lockdown", under which movement is severely restricted.

The world is a big place. There are hundreds of embassies and consulates in it. A vague warning about "something" happening on the anniversary of September 11th is hardly tantamount to a specific warning about a specific place.

But Fox will flog this so-called "warning" because it gives them a chance to draw some kind of weird and bizarre equivalence between what happened in Libya and George W. Bush's failure to heed a far more specific warning more than a month before the 9-11 attacks occurred.

Prediction: Republicans will go up with an ad within three weeks of the election claiming that President Obama is a weak leader because he allowed the attack on the Benghazi consulate to occur. They will ignore the seven embassy attacks during his 8-year tenure in the White House. They will ignore the 20 people who died in that time span, because Fox News has a sworn duty to prop up a failing Republican candidate by the name of Mitt Romney.

By the way, as long as we're on the subject of Mitt Romney, he flip-flopped yet again Friday and -- wait for it -- apologized to the terrorists. I guess that means they won?

I yearn for the day when Mitt Romney is just a dim memory in the annals of history. This has to be the most lie-laden, inept, incompetent campaign ever run by any party.

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